понедельник, 12 апреля 2021 г.




Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска.


Каждый житель Петрозаводска хоть раз в жизни связывался с заёмными средствами. Но не всегда общение с банками и кредитными организациями становится удачным для гражданина. Необходима помощь кредитного юриста/адвокат Петрозаводска.


На сегодняшний день, кредиты являются одним из востребованных банковских продуктов на территории нашего города. Банки предлагают довольно выгодные предложения для своих потенциальных клиентов. Сбербанк, ВТБ, Почта-банк, Россельхозбанк, и так далее.


Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска напоминает, что банки зарабатывают свою прибыль на процентах от кредитов и иных продуктах. Поэтому если заёмщик нарушит условия кредитного договора, банки сразу де применяют к нему жестокие меры по взысканию.

Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска


Итак, Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска может понадобиться в следующих случаях:


    если гражданин  только желает заключить с банком кредитный договор. К сожалению, предлагая выгодные условия кредитования, банки прописывают мелким шрифтом в договоре определённые дополнительные условия. Чтобы избежать проблем в будущем, необходима юридическая помощь по кредитам;

    если у заемщика в банке Петрозаводска  уже образовалась задолженность. Как только заёмщик просрочит платёж, кредитор сразу же начинает применять к нему пени и штрафы. Редкие банки согласны подождать день / два, пока заёмщик уладит свои финансовые проблемы. Зачастую долги перед банками возникают не из-за клиента, а из-за его работодателя, который задерживает выплаты;

    если у заемщика в банке Петрозаводска  больше нет возможности платить по договору;

    если заемщик решил признать себя банкротом и подал соответствующее заявление. В данном случае, кредитный юрист необходим;

    если банк нарушил условия договора. Такое, к сожалению, происходит нередко;

    если банк незаконно взыскал с заёмщика дополнительные проценты и пени по кредиту.


Если у заёмщика есть  кредит, но нет возможности его погашать или банк уже подал на вас в суд, рекомендуется сразу же обратиться К ЮРИСТУ ПЕТРОЗАВОДСКА  за юридической помощью. ( Т. 63-94-71, ПЕТРОЗАВОДСК).


Что может предпринять банк при невыплате кредита?


Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска  знает по своему опыту, что может произойти такая ситуация, что заёмщик не платит по кредиту. Причин этому может быть несколько, но их можно условно разделить на:   временные; постоянные.


Если заемщик в ПЕТРОЗАВОДСКЕ  исправно вносил ежемесячные платежи, а потом задержал платёж, банк предпримет первоначальные меры по изысканию задолженности. Такие как:


    звонок заемщику в банке Петрозаводска  по телефону;

    рассылка заемщику в банке Петрозаводска  писем по электронному и почтовому адресу;

    рассылка заемщику в банке Петрозаводска  СМС – сообщений;

    «напоминание» о себе с помощью мессенджеров.


Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска  :  мы прекрасно знаем, что по практике банков, если  ежемесячные платежи не поступают регулярно, то банк предпринимает другие меры. Это:


Передача кредита  в отдел банка по работе с претензиями. Этот отдел занимается исключительно взысканием долгов;

    информация о неплательщике в банке Петрозаводска   - будет передана в бюро кредитных историй. Это свидетельствует о том, что данный заёмщик будет помещён в «чёрный» список всех банков. Получить кредит теперь ему не так просто;

    долг заемщика в банке Петрозаводска   может быть продан сторонней организации – коллекторам, которые и будут далее заниматься взысканием долга и процентов по нему;

    банк подаёт иск в суд Петрозаводска  на должника.


Чтобы не испортить себе кредитную историю, необходимо вовремя обратиться за помощью Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска  разработает линию защиты прав своего клиента, чтобы выйти из данной ситуации с меньшими финансовыми потерями.


Кредитный юрист/адвокат Петрозаводска  : мы

-Расторгаем банковские кредиты (договоры) в суде

-Снижаем незаконные начисления (пени, штрафы)

-Добиваемся отсрочки платежей и избавляем от коллекторов



Кредитные юристы предпримут законные меры для того чтобы разрешить проблему долга, но с меньшими потерями.


Не стоит самостоятельно решать споры с банком, лучше обратиться к специалисту. Самостоятельное решение проблемы может привести к тому, что сумма долга вырастет за счет пени и неустоек, суд взыщет тело кредита, проценты и все комиссии и страховки.



суббота, 11 января 2014 г.

Why driver CASCO is not entered in the insurance policy?

A few days ago to us, Petrozavodsk avtoyuristam . on insurance disputes Karelian motorist came and told me that one well-known Russian company , represented by the branch in Karelia, denied him the insurance payment under the contract CASCO on the grounds that the driver at the time of the accident was not inscribed in the hull insurance policy .Generally, in practice avtoyurista Petrozavodsk . on insurance disputes , failure CASCO - not such a rare thing .Among the failures of payments on CASCO - There are cracks in the payment on the hull when the driver is not entered in the policy , and the accident happened with his participation . Studying this insurance dispute , the insurer believes that pay should not be , because this case is specified in the rules of CASCO insurance as a basis for refusal to pay . Is this true?
Why driver CASCO is not entered in the insurance policy? The reasons are different. Sometimes it may be that the insured , who is also the owner of the car, forgetting to specify yourself as a person admitted to management , because it is obvious that he can automatically operate the machine.Employee insurance company in Petrozavodsk , not paying attention to it, do not ask and does not indicate any in the policy. The result is that all is not specified in the policy - who can drive a car .Some Petrozavodsk motorists simply do not pay attention to the list of persons admitted to management under hull insurance policy , trust and control of the machine relatives and comrades. Understanding so that , once a CTP these people entered , then that is enough.In addition, some Karelian motorists believe that if they are sitting next to a man in the car , not specified in the policy , it does not matter that sitting behind the wheel of the vehicle is not entered in the hull insurance policy .Such situations often porazhdayut reasons for refusal to pay under hull when an accident involving a driver that is not listed in the policy CASCO .CMTPL Karelian insurer in this situation is responsible for the guilty party , even if it is not included in the list of persons admitted to management : pay the victim the amount of damage , and then has the right of recourse to such a driver.Under contracts hull insurers believe that the insurance case arises from an event which was attended by the driver , is not inscribed in the policy , based on which the statement is denied for payment .The policyholder gets a waiver under hull . And ask yourself two questions : Who is to blame ? What to do?Refusal to pay CASCO - you need to sue .
But do not rush greatly upset ! Avtoyurist on insurance disputes Petrozavodsk will help you get the insurance compensation in court. Challenge in court to prove that the denial of insurance indemnity insurer - illegal .Petrozavodsk courts are guided by the position of the Russian Supreme Court , which he takes , explaining how to apply the law in some litigation .Based on the latest ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation , where are illegal refusals in insurance payments under hull , you can try to recover indemnity in case of failure to pay , when the driver is not entered in the hull insurance policy .In particular, once the individual review the jurisprudence associated with voluntary property insurance CITIZENS approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2013 , stated the following :Driving a vehicle person not specified in the insurance policy does not relieve the insurer to indemnify risk "Damage" .Prior to the current practice of the Supreme Court ruling of Petrozavodsk on such disputes on failures CASCO was mostly negative , not in favor of the insurer , and in favor of the insurer. However, if there is a position of the Supreme Court that the failure in this case is illegal , the courts will follow this point of view , because it is an established practice and the judge need not cancel its decisions.We , avtoyuristov Petrozavodsk there is a positive practice in such disputes CASCO .

In the course of litigation insurance based on rules CASCO terms

Avtoyurist Petrozavodsk not rare encounters with insurance disputes under hull when the insurance refuses to pay , citing a particular item CASCO rules . Many insurance companies in Petrozavodsk CASCO rules stipulate that theft (theft ) of the vehicle with the registration documents is not an insurance case. If the policyholder accidentally left documents in the glove compartment , and the car was stolen , then it is a failure to pay by CASCO . Insurance payments " hijacking TS" in this case is provided by the rules of insurance.If you go to court , the insurer will refer to the freedom of contract , and because CASCO rules - part of an insurance contract that you signed , it means you agree to its terms.

This is the position of insurance companies podrbnyh disputes. I mean, is of paramount importance the fact that the policyholder has agreed to this clause rules CASCO when signing documents , and therefore the so agreed .In the course of litigation insurance based on rules CASCO terms , while avtoyurist Petrozavodsk should talk about the nullity of contract, contrary to the law .At the resolution of such disputes , the courts lately come from the fact that only the law can be provided insurer exemptions from duty . CASCO contract must always comply with the law.Terms of insurance of motor vehicles CASCO are an integral part of the insurance contract and must not contain norms of the treaty , civil law and contrary to worsen the situation of the insured against an established law.What the law says , the judicial practice .
In accordance with Art . 422 Civil Code must comply with the contract binding on the parties to the rules established by law, the parties can not enter into a contract on terms that are contrary to law.Grounds for exemption of the insurer to indemnify under Art . Art. 961 , 963 , 964 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation .Thus , since Russian law does not set such ground for refusal to pay as "Failure on the hull for stealing car with documents" , the denial of insurance payment is illegal.Based on the above , we can safely say that the payment of insurance CASCO - contract for theft must be made even in the presence of fact left documents in the car ! And to prove it in court. In voluntary insurer will not pay this amount.How can you make payments on the hijacking of the documents ? Only the courts. Refer to avtoyuristu Petrozavodsk on insurance disputes , it will prepare you to present all the documents and in court .Previously, courts do not always meet the requirements of insurers caught in such a situation , the practice was different , the courts' decisions are known to us and such other .There are cases when the first two instances courts sided with the insurance company , supporting the position of freedom of contract and justifying their decisions voluntary consent of the owner of a vehicle for such coverage.Recently, however, Russia's Supreme Court spoke clearly in favor of the insured .Now practice on such disputes are usually in favor of the insured .Supreme Court's position is crucial
Russian Armed Forces said on this occasion that including such conditions in the contract , the insurance company reduces its business risk as posing payments depending on the actions of the insured (beneficiary) , and not by the mere fact of an event in the event that the insurance is . Insured event consists of the fact of danger , the fact of the injury and a causal link between them. If there is damage , it must be a cause of danger from which the insured car. In particular , the review of the Supreme Court of the RF ON SELECTED ISSUES Litigating With voluntary insurance of property of citizens from January 30, 2013 stated the following:
Failure by the insured vehicle registration documents or certificate of its registration , or set (s) of keys, pass inspection does not relieve the insurer to indemnify for stealing (theft ) of a motor vehicle .As the study of judicial practice on this category of cases , disputes about collecting insurance compensation for theft (theft ) of a motor vehicle , in which the payment was refused by the insurer based on the fact that the insured did not provide vehicle registration document or certificate of registration or a set of keys , pass inspection , courts are permitted, usually in favor of the insured .In this case the courts rely on the fact that leaving the vehicle registration documents to him by virtue of Article 963 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation can not be regarded as the intent of the insured, the beneficiary or the insured in the insurance case .The same applies to the requirements to provide the keys to the vehicle .exonerations insurer to indemnify provided for in Articles 961 , 963 , 964 Civil Code, the provisions of which do not contain a base such as failure to complete sets of keys of the insured car. Paragraphs insurance rules , under which the insurer has the right to fully or partially deny insurance claims if the policyholder has lost a key from the vehicle without notifying the insurer in writing within seven days from the time of its loss before the insured event , provide clear criteria that would predetermine the conditions of such payment or denial of her permit decisions for reimbursement at the discretion of the insurance company are not the same for all insurers that does not guarantee compliance with the principle of equality of participants in relevant relations.The occurrence of harm set decision to institute criminal proceedings , was the cause of harm to the theft , and that is the danger from which the insured property.Thus , you can achieve recovery indemnity when denied CASCO for stealing car with documents.

New rights of the plaintiff in the fight against insurance .

New rights of the plaintiff in the fight against insurance .
In fact, if we consider this decision from the point of view of the law on consumer protection , the text of the regulations that now insurers - individuals can :1. Submit claims to insurers in the court, in its place of residence , not the place of registration of the insurance company .2 . Do not pay stamp duty .3 . Require the insurer to non-pecuniary damage . 4 . In the kinds of insurance for which the amount of penalty for delay is not defined by a special law ( for example, in voluntary insurance - particularly in hull ) , to demand payment of liquidated damages in the amount of 3 % of the payment for each day of delay.
50 % penalty for insurance and other pleasant Innovation
New rules of jurisdiction for insurance disputes . Now the plaintiff can choose to Petrozavodsk - give him a claim to the registered insurer or its branch or at their own place of residence. Moreover, in paragraph 27 resolutions stating that the rule on jurisdiction of the insurance contract in this case will not work. Respectively , and include it in the rules or insurance contract is meaningless.
Stamp duty when addressing the court . From its payment plaintiffs motorists will now be released. Thus , a resident of Karelia and Petrozavodsk in any dispute with the insurance without incurring any financial costs may go to court. It will certainly be one of the important methods of influence on unfair insurer .
Penalty of the law on protection of consumer rights. Now the rules on penalty of 50 % of the collected amount will be distributed by the court and strahovschikov.Istets ( motorist of our city with a lawsuit by CTP , for example) may require court foreclosure through Petrozavodsk with the insurance company - 50 percent of the amount underpaid him indemnity.
Non-pecuniary damage . Another innovation in the field of forensic insurance - empowering insurers and victims CTP right to recover compensation for moral damages . Pecuniary damage , based on Art. 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is determined arbitrarily by the plaintiff , the amount was not required by law , it can be a ruble and a million rubles, the court has already exacts based on the specific situation.
Informing the public about the conditions of services . Supreme Court ruling may concern insurance companies and in articles 9-12 of the Law on Consumer Protection (informing citizens about the conditions of services) .Accept this judgment, the Supreme Court took the position is fundamentally different from the previous one , because since 2008 , when the Supreme Court issued another review of the legislation and judicial practice , the law on consumer protection is not widely applied to disputes on the legal relations in property insurance , now the situation changed.One would think that now the recoverability of the 50% penalty is in favor of the consumer , and not the state budget, will actively encourage car owners to protect their rights .Well and that the action ruling applies to insurance contracts concluded in favor of a third party. Previously, courts had such contracts law on the protection of consumers' rights have not spread .It is a question that involves the beneficiary of the contract CTP unidentified third person who has suffered damage .Lastly , it should be noted that the jurisprudence of the courts of Petrozavodsk Accident insurance disputes consists in general - in view of the provisions that we have indicated in our article. .